Thursday, March 24, 2011

Dialogue story

"Hello, Mr. Hobbit"
"Why, hello, child."
"How are you doing today?"
"AAAH! They're all going to nuke us!"
"Please calm down Mr. Hobbit."
"The spirits-they're coming for me!"
"Mr. Hobbit..."
"Burn the witch!"
"Nurse! He's acting up again!"
"Oh, what say you and I go jump off of a cliff together, eh? Much fun, much fun."
"Much fun..."
"Mr. Hob-"
"much, much fun..."
"Just use the sedative!"
"Oh, no need for parachutes. I can fly, see? It will be so, so, so much... so... so much... fun..."
"Finally! Nurse, what took you so long?"
"I'm sorry. Patient 52 was saying that he's Cinderella, again. He's gotten even more delusional than ever."
"I can't believe I've been forced to work in a mental hospital. Soon enough, I'll go insane, too!"
"I really doubt tha-"
"Boom! Boom! Ah! The bombs! No, not the bombs!"
"He woke up?"
"I suppose so..."
"But how?"
"What is this? A poison gas chamber? Would you like me to accompany me into it?"
"His condition is getting worse!"
"Oh, the pretty butterflies. Come with me into the gas chamber!"
"What's happening?"
"I'm the Duke of Ellington! You must do what I say!"
"At this rate, he'll never be released!"


"Oh, what a horrible dream!"
"Please, let us enter the poison gas chamber, or the Japanese will get us."

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